Independent Prescribing Optometrist Directory - Map
Eye & Health Care Professionals: The four Referral Directories are yet more resources included on this website to support patient care by Eye Care & Health Care Professionals. It is an obligation outlined by professional bodies that patients who need further care beyond the immediate scope of a practitioner or need specialist treatment are referred onwards. The Directories are designed to help in this duty of care. If you are a practice/clinic offering specialist services and would like further information on how to be included in any of the Directories please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Patients: Patients sometimes want to access specialist services not readily available from their current Eye Care practice/clinic, these three Directories may well help. If you are seeking these services and can identify a specialist provider in a Directory, you can ask your current practice/clinic to refer you, this enables your current provider and specialist to work as a team for your benefit. However you can also consider contacting the specialist provider directly, without a formal referral, all will welcome an initial discussion with you before arranging an appointment.
Locating: Searching the Directory can be done in three different ways; via the map, enlarging and moving the map as you need, or by scrolling the map inset list of practice/clinic names in A to Z order, or by using the Post Town List in A to Z sections order. Unfortunately, we have had a few reports of the Map View/Practice Names list not displaying correctly on iPads, if this is the case for you, the Post Town list may be a better alternative.
Disclaimer: Information in this Directory is presented in good faith, as provided by the individuals and clinics concerned, however information and data can change. As a result, EDDB recommonds you confirm the care, facilities and treatments that can be provided with the individual and/or clinic concerned. Please do not solely rely on the information provided on this website. Because of this, EDDB is unable to accept liability for any inaccuracies or incorrect information contained on this site.