Use of this database indicates the user is a UK Eye Care/Health Care Professional, has read, understands and accepted all the terms of use as outlined below.
Are you a UK Eye Care/Health Care Professional?
The use of this database indicates you are a member of the UK Eye Care/Health Care Profession, because the materials included in this website are specifically prepared for that audience only.
The information in this database is not intended to be medical advice for patients. For treatment recommendations and/or if symptoms persist or increase, patients should consult their GP, Ophthalmologist/Consultant, Optometrist, Registered Optician or Pharmacist.
Information in this database should not be used by patients to decide whether or not to use a particular product. Only an Eye Care/Health Care Professional has the knowledge and training to decide which products are appropriate. This information does not endorse any product as safe, effective, or approved for treating any patient or health condition. This is only a brief summary of general information about products. It can NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to products. This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information that will be provided by a Eye Care/Health Care Professional. Patients must talk with their Eye Care/Health Care Professional for complete information about the risks and benefits of using particular products.
Individuals with any type of medical condition are specifically cautioned to seek professional medical advice before beginning any sort of health treatment. For medical concerns, including decisions about medications and other treatments, individuals should always consult their Eye Care/Health Care Professional, or in serious cases, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel.
Assuming you are a Eye Care/Health Care Professional
Although every effort is made to keep the database up-to-date and accurate it cannot be guaranteed, it should be remembered this is a guide only, all data should be checked by reference to original manufactures sources, and all patients should be instructed to read all package and package insert instructions thoroughly before use.
All data on this website is derived from original documentation from the producer and/or distributor, unless otherwise indicated, and while every effort is made to check validity the compiler of this database can assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions. If you do see any errors or omissions, would like to propose the inclusion of products, or would like to discuss possible product page sponsorship please contact us your input would be gratefully received. If a Data Page has fields with text "Waiting Data" this signifies data has been requested from the manufacurer and/or supplier (sometimes on multiple occasions) but not received.
The use of the database is on the understanding that you should remember that it is not meant to serve as a substitute for your own clinical judgment as an Eye Care/Health Care Professional and you should evaluate and independently verify the information and results from database. The database is not intended to provide professional advice or recommend particular products. The database should not be used as a guide to prescribing any products or treatment. The information contained in this database does not amount to an endorsement of products, or should be used to diagnose patients or recommend therapy, only you as an Eye Care/Health Care Professional (ECP/HCP) can provide the skills, knowledge and expertise to supply that. As a duty of care it is for the ECP/HCP to decide if a particular product is appropriate to the patients condition, and how that product should be used, which may vary from the manufacturer's guidance. Any specific product enquiries should be directed to manufacturer or wholesaler. On certain product pages PDFs and images are added to assist the ECP/HCP in the care of their patient, however it cannot be guaranteed that the PDFs are current or accurate, this should be verified with the supplier in question.
The absence of a warning for expertise, skill for a given product or product combination in no way should be construed to indicate that the product or product combination is safe, effective or appropriate for any given patient. The compiler of the Database has taken the opportunity to add in additional advice, cautions etc, to almost all products, these are indicated '- EDDB'. These are very much generic in nature and should not be considered only applicable to the specific product.
The compiler of this database cannot assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information Eye Drops Database provides. At the time of original release of this database, the vast majority of products are on the 'General Sales List' or are not classified as pharmaceuticals (N/A) however some, and probably a growing number, may be classified as 'P or POM Medicines', it is the responsibility of the ECP/HCP to be aware which products this applies to and the implications. Although every effort has been made to identify the relevant listing no responsibility can be assumed by the compilers of this database for errors, this should be checked by the supplier against original documentation. In March 2016 products that were listed on NHS Drug Tariffs were indicated, however these can change monthly, so inaccuracies can occur. To further complicate the situation, in a cost saving move, prescribers, especially of dry eye drops and allied products, are coming under pressure not to write NHS prescriptions for products that are available without, it is the prescriber's responsibly to confirm the the current NHS Drug tariff. Therefore as this information varies in different countries, regions, CCGs, localities, dates and even from one individual prescriber to the next the legal category should always be checked from a source outside Eye Drops Database and no medical or financial responsibility can be assumed by the compiler of this database. The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects.
It should always be born in mind that potentially any product can cause an adverse reaction to patients, the absence of a warning does not preclude this from happening. Advising patients to digitally occlude their puncta, then gently closing their eyes and not blinking for a number of minutes will reduce the possibility of systemic absorption and side effects, this would be good practice for all products with this potential. ECPs/HCPs are urged to report adverse reactions to products, classed as medicines or not, these can be reported using the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme or on Patients can also report using this scheme.
As your duty of care it is important that your patients understand they should keep products you prescribe/recommend and/or supply out of the sight and reach of children, they should never share the products with others, read the manufacture's accompanying Patient Information Leaflet and/or product literature before use, and use only for the manufacturer’s specific indication, or as you prescribe/recommend and/or supply. General good practice applicable to almost all eye drops is to ensure the patient understands not to touch dropper tip to anything, including their eye and normally drops should be kept out of the light and not frozen.
General notes
Although most directions advise 1-2 drops on each instillation, in effect normally the inferior conjunctival sac has only room for 1 drop, excess simply overflowing, so 1 drop will usually suffice.
Product manufacturers normally have little or no data on use of their products in pregnancy or lactation (for understandable reasons), so many advise the patient to consult a doctor or pharmacist before use, which in reality, most times, does not lead to definitive advice one way or another, however it is a caution and the patient should be advised of this.
Occasionally, where thought to be most important, direct quotes have been taken from product literature, this is indicated by the use of "quotation marks". Where possible efforts are continuing to add hyperlinks to medicines/pharmaceuticals (in the full sense of their definitions) that have a PIL and/or SPC, it is good practice for the ECP/HCP to be acquainted with this product documentation where appropriate. The compilers of Eye Drops Database cannot be held responsible for the content of the documentation accessed through the link, the absence of a link does not imply that a PIL and/or SPC does not exist, it is the responsibility of the ECP/HCP to find out if this documentation exists, and be aware of its statements.
Studies have shown how, even following eye surgery and specific instruction, many patients do not comply with basic instruction on instilling eye drops. The compiler of this database (Andrew D Price/The ADP Consultancy) has a fully editable MS Word document, with images, instructing patients on this important aspect of drops use, this, along with a Blink Exercise sheet, is available free of charge on request, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Links policy
Links are provided for information and convenience only. We cannot accept responsibility for the content or policies of any sites linked to, or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement. We reserve the right to withdraw a link or refuse to link to any website without providing an explanation or justification.
The Directories are provided to help referral of patients by ECPs/HCPs to ECPs who can help treat specific conditions, provide specific procedures or products. The data is based directly on information provided by the practice/clinic. Eye Drops Database cannot make statements regarding the type or level of care provided by registrants listed in any of The Directories. Eye Drops Database has no mechanism or procedure for confirming the validity of directory entries. Eye Drops Database recommends the referrer establishes a professional relationship with providers and that they satisfy themselves with the level of expertise and care provided. The Directories are not intended for non-ECPs/HCPs to use as a means of selecting a particular provider of care, this is better done by other ECPs/HCPs who can use their professional judgement to interpret the data in each entry and establish a referring relationship.
Guest articles
Articles published are completely the author's personal opinion and should not be thought of to reflect the opinion of Eye Drops Database. Eye Drops Database has no mechanism or procedure for confirming the validity of statements made in the articles. Guest articles should be thought of as general statements that cannot be considered specifically applicable to individuals without consulting a Eye Care/Health Care Professional.
Advertising, Data Pages and Referral Directory entries.
Advertising is solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Eye Drops Database has no mechanism or procedure for confirming the validity of statements made in the advertising. It should not be thought that Eye Drops Database endorses products or services advertised on this website. This applies to Data Pages as much as banner adverts or Referral Directory entries. Eye Drops Database reseves the right to amend, delete or qualify any advertising, Data Pages or Referral Directory entries.
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